Ave Senior High

Ave Senior High
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Ave Senior High is located at Ave-Dakpa, the District capital of Akatsi North, one kilometre off the DenuHo trunk road. It is situated on a 42- acre land at the Western part of Ave-Dakpa. The school has shady trees with garden seats that provide a serene educational environment.

To provide relevant secondary education to all, to enable them acquire various skills and moral training that will assist them to develop their potentials, be productive, facilitate poverty reduction and promote socio-economic growth and national development.

To be the best provider of education for all qualified Junior High students with emphasis on Science, Technology and Creativity

Course Offered 
Home Economics
General Arts
Visual Art
Agricultural Science

Category – Grade C School
Gender – Mixed
Housing Status – Day& Boarding
Year of Establishment – 1991
Name of Head –
School Code – 0070402

Contact Details
Name: Ave Senior High
Contacts: 0243465799, 0206803401
Region: Volta Region
Location: Ave-Dakpa
Ghana Post GPS:  

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