Verna Natural Mineral Water

Verna Natural Mineral Water – Without Passion life is Nothing. Produced and Distributed by Twellium Industrial Co. Ltd In Ghana.
Verna Natural Mineral Water is sourced from protected undergrounds and exceptionally treated with patented ITALIAN HIGH-TECH PURIFICATION SYSTEMS. Indeed the process right from extraction to packaging to distribution is outstanding. It aims and meets the highest international quality standards, giving every drop of Verna Water its natural taste, mineral composition and appeal. With strict adherence to quality control and safety methods, Verna Natural Mineral Water is regulated under standards set by both the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) and Ghana Standard authority (GSA).
In a rather radiant and refreshing outlook, #VernalNaturalMineralWater comes in 500ml, and 1.5Litre PET bottles. And can be purchased from stores, supermarkets, hotels and restaurants, filling station shops and kiosks.
Contact Us:
Name: Verna Natural Mineral Water
Contacts: 0249717777, 0597346218
Region: Greater Accra
Location: 17 Nsawam Rd, Accra
Ghana Post GPS:
Name: Verna Natural Mineral Water
Contacts: 0249717777, 0597346218
Region: Greater Accra
Location: 17 Nsawam Rd, Accra
Ghana Post GPS: