Amankwakrom Fisheries Agric. Tech. Inst.

Amankwakrom Fisheries Agric. Tech. Inst.
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Amankwakrom Fisheries Agric. Tech. Inst.

Amankwakrom Fisheries Agric. Tech. Inst. is a Day/Boarding located in Eastern region, Ghana. Amankwakrom Fisheries Agric. Tech. Inst. is a public TVET institution.

Under this article, has provided information about Amankwakrom Fisheries Agric. Tech.

We have prepared this article just to help students who wish to join Amankwakrom Fisheries Agric. Tech. Inst. to know some of the basic information before making decision to get admitted to the institution. Some of the basic details about Amankwakrom Fisheries Agric. Tech. Inst. which are included on this article are; the region where Amankwakrom Fisheries Agric. Tech.. is found, the district, official name of the school, the location where Amankwakrom Fisheries Agric. situated, gender – that is if Amankwakrom Fisheries Agric. Tech.. is mixed a single gender school, accommodation of the school, and finally the email address of which any one can use to contact the school.


Amankwakrom Fisheries Agric. Tech. Inst. is situated in  Kwahu Afram Plains in the  Eastern Region, Ghana

They provide Skills and knowledge in both Agriculture and Technical skills. Amankwakrom Fisheries Agric. Tech. Inst. is popularly known as AFATI.


To be a dynamic and advanced professional delivery in technical and agricultural skills with strong collaboration with industry through competency-based-training which equips students  with self-secured job for socio-economic development towards the improvement of the country.


To Be one of the leading providers of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) accredited courses to equip learners with self-employable skills.

Course Offered 


Category – Technical Training School
Gender – Mixed
Housing Status – Day& Boarding
Year of Establishment – 2012
School Code – 9020901


Contact Details

Name: Amankwakrom Fisheries Agric. Tech.
Contacts: 0244176884
Region: Eastern Region
Location:  Amankwakrom
Ghana Post GPS: 


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