Apostle Safo school of Arts and sciences

Apostle Safo school of Arts and sciences
In 1997, Apostle Safo established the Apostle Safo School of Arts and Science (GREAT ASSAS) with the aim of providing excellent education with achievable outcome to the community. Located at Awoshie Last Stop at Gbawe (Obishiangon) in Accra, GREAT ASSAS is partnership with parents and the community, dedicated to educating students from a variety of backgrounds through the collaboration of highly qualified teachers, rigorous data-driven instruction and student -centered activities. These initiatives of the founder have enabled students to acquire knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in an ever-challenging society in a safe and orderly environment and a climate of high expectations. GREAT ASSAS attaches great importance to the total development of the personal social attributes and talents of students in the pursuit of excellent education and training. Great ASSAS, the only school that gives its Science and Technical students field work every vacation. Students in these two fields have the opportunity to acquire practical knowledge from Kantanka Suaye Centre at Mpota. The school has Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary, Junior High and Senior High Department. It has branches Awoshie in Greater Accra, Gyinyase in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, Akyease and Akyem Tafo in Eastern Region.
Vision, Mission and Beliefs
We encourage students to meet and exceed their potential abilities in their academic, artistic endeavors. We establish great expectation for our students, and work tirelessly to ensure their success. Mission Statement is to develop creative and resilient citizens.
A creative student will explore innovative solutions, think critically and solve problems, identify, define, initiate and execute a task, construct a present an authentic and unique solution to a real-world problem. A resilient student will adapt and persevere, establish long and short term goals, take risk, self advocate, develop and utilize emotional intelligence, collaborate to build a strong sense of community locally, apply lessons learned to the broader world. Communicate effectively in written and verbal form, exhibit cultural awareness, contribute to the community through service.
Course Offered
General Arts
Home Economics
Visual Arts.
Gender – Mixed
Housing Status – Day & Hostel
Year of Establishment – 2004
Name of Head –
School Code – 9011201
Contact Details
Name: Apostle Sarfo school of Arts and sciences
Contacts: 0289550405
Region: Greater Accra Region
Location: Awoshie
Ghana Post GPS:
Email: kristoasafo40@yahoo.com
Website: https://kristoasafomission.com/sales-page-template-1/