Beijing Clinic Ghana

Beijing Clinic Ghana
The specialty of Beijing Clinic in terms of providing medical health care falls on the treatment and prevention of stroke, though it also provides treatment for other diseases like heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension, hepatitis, and general health care.
The specialty of Beijing Clinic in terms of providing medical health care falls on the treatment and prevention of stroke, though it also provides treatment for other diseases like heart problems, diabetes and so forth. Uniquely, the clinic has a promising treatment or healing practices in treating stroke.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), practised in China for over thousands of years and widely used today, is the core medical practice of the clinic in providing efficacious treatment for people with stroke. In practical terms, it has rich history of clinical experience in terms of stroke treatment as well as quick recovery of it. Comprehensive system of medical practices that are commonly used include acupuncture, cupping, therapeutic massage, acupressure, physiotherapy, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and scientific Chinese herbal infusion, which are usually used individually or in combination in clinical practice.
Also, in helping people recover from stroke, traditional and scientific Chinese herbal medicines are applied. Traditional Chinese herbal drugs like Danshen (red rooted salvia), Huag Qi (astragalus mongholicus) among others and NXT 400 Capsules, a scientific traditional Chinese medicine with special efficacy for stroke, are widely or commonly used in Beijing Clinic. The NXT 400 has an obvious effect in preventing stroke by improving blood circulation, dispersing blood stasis and reducing cholesterol, which is the main cause of the disease. Interestingly, the Clinic does not only diagnose, treats and prevents stroke but, just as importantly, optimizes health and sustainability in the lives of the patients. This medical perspective is applied by commending movement therapies, dietary advice as well as how to handle stress to support the patient’s treatment.
At Beijing clinic, various testimonies from stroke patients has really shown the astonishing effect of Traditional and scientific Chinese herbal medicines and practices on treating, improving and preventing stroke disease. The clinic will continue to play helpful medical function in treating and preventing stroke in Ghana and for other foreigners.
Name: Beijing Clinic Ghana
Contacts: 0244262078, 0302779649, 0557922440
Region: Accra, Ghana
Location: Ogabaame Street Down Lane Papaye, Osu, Accra
Ghana Post GPS:

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