CK Tadem University for Technology and Applied Sciences | Online Application
Entry Requirements for Degree Programmes
WASSCE or SSSCE holders who seek to apply for admission into the Degree programmes must have at least C6 or D in all their three Core and three Elective Subjects. Candidates should therefore possess, at least, credit passes in the following:
- Three core subjects (English Language, Mathematics (Core) and Integrated Science /Social Studies).
- Any three elective subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agricultural Science, Mathematics (elective), Economics, Further Mathematics, Geography, Business Management, Accounting, among others.
- Should have an aggregate score of 36 or better in the best six subjects (three core listed above and three relevant electives).
Mature applicants:
- Candidates must be at least 25 years of age and must show documentary evidence.
- In addition, must have any of the following:
- Five G.C.E ‘O’ Level subjects including English Language, Mathematics and General Science, and
- SSSCE/WASSCE passes in core English Language, Mathematics and /Integrated Science/Social Studies as well as two elective science subjects including Mathematics (Elective).
- HND and other Diploma applicants seeking admission into Degree programmes should possess at least a:
- Second Class Lower or better in related programmes, who may be admitted into Level 200.
- Third Class or Pass shall be considered for admission into Level 100.
Entry Requirements for Diploma Programmes
To be admitted into a Diploma programme, three credits passes in the applicant’s area of specialization (elective subjects) and at least two passes (D7, D or better) in English Language and Mathematics in WASSCE/SSSCE are required. Any candidate without a pass in English Language, Mathematics (core) or both should not apply for the Diploma programmes.
These programmes are for Pure Science (WASSCE/SSSCE) students. However, non-science-based applicants with Credit Passes in Elective Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Business Mathematics & Costing, Accounting, Business Management, Economics and Geography, and at least C6 or D in Integrated Science/Social Studies may qualify to apply for some of these programmes.
Contact Details
Name: CK Tadem University for Technology and Applied Sciences
Contacts: 0382097373
Region: Upper East, Ghana
Location: Navrongo
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