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CK Tadem University for Technology and Applied Sciences | Online Application

Entry Requirements for Degree Programmes

WASSCE or SSSCE holders who seek to apply for admission into the Degree programmes must have at least C6 or D in all their three Core and three Elective Subjects. Candidates should therefore possess, at least, credit passes in the following:

  • Three core subjects (English Language, Mathematics (Core) and Integrated Science /Social Studies).
  • Any three elective subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agricultural Science, Mathematics (elective), Economics, Further Mathematics, Geography, Business Management, Accounting, among others.
  • Should have an aggregate score of 36 or better in the best six subjects (three core listed above and three relevant electives).

Mature applicants:

  • Candidates must be at least 25 years of age and must show documentary evidence.
  • In addition, must have any of the following:
  1. Five G.C.E ‘O’ Level subjects including English Language, Mathematics and General Science, and
  2. SSSCE/WASSCE passes in core English Language, Mathematics and /Integrated Science/Social Studies as well as two elective science subjects including Mathematics (Elective).
  • HND and other Diploma applicants seeking admission into Degree programmes should possess at least a:
  1. Second Class Lower or better in related programmes, who may be admitted into Level 200.
  2. Third Class or Pass shall be considered for admission into Level 100.

Entry Requirements for Diploma Programmes

To be admitted into a Diploma programme, three credits passes in the applicant’s area of specialization (elective subjects) and at least two passes (D7, D or better) in English Language and Mathematics in WASSCE/SSSCE are required. Any candidate without a pass in English Language, Mathematics (core) or both should not apply for the Diploma programmes.


These programmes are for Pure Science (WASSCE/SSSCE) students. However, non-science-based applicants with Credit Passes in Elective Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Business Mathematics & Costing, Accounting, Business Management, Economics and Geography, and at least C6 or D in Integrated Science/Social Studies may qualify to apply for some of these programmes.

click here to apply 

Contact Details
Name: CK Tadem University for Technology and Applied Sciences
Contacts: 0382097373
Region:  Upper East, Ghana
Ghana Post GPS:

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