T. I. Ahmadiyya Senior High
T. I. Ahmadiyya Senior High
Between 1948 and 1952, three secondary schools sprang up in the Ashanti Region, all of them sited in Kumasi, the Region’s capital. In order of seniority (that is, the date of establishment), these were Prempeh College, T. I. Ahmadiyya Secondary School and Opoku Ware. What made T. I. Ahmadiyya Secondary School different was that, while Prempeh and Opoku Ware were Christian mission schools. T. I. Ahmadiyya Senior High was founded by a Muslim organization, the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, now more popularly known in the country as the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission. This was at a time when, rather regrettably, some Muslims thought that taking your child to the Whiteman’s school was the surest way for the child to go to hell after death. To the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, however, setting up Whiteman’s school was in line with the Holy Quran’s teaching about the acquisition of knowledge.
Not long after the first Pakistani Missionary of the Mission arrived at Saltpond, the Mission’s first primary school was founded. That was some 77 years ago. In March 2001, T. I. Ahmadiyya Secondary School celebrated its Golden Jubilee. How has the school fared? The decision to establish a secondary school was taken without too much sweat. What presented initial problems was the decision on where to site the school. After much discussion, the final decision was taken to site the school in Kumasi.
Perception About The School
One prejudice that dies hard has to do with some people’s perception of the school as an abode of indiscipline and violence. Some people gape in surprise when they are told that since its founding in 1950, the school has never witnessed the kind of mindlessly, violent and destructive demonstration for which some other schools have gained notoriety. But that is the truth of course; the school has had its fair share of agitation from time to time since 1954 when the first protest occurred. Fortunately, the school has been spared the kind of mayhem that has often led to the closure of some school and the sending home of students. For example, in the spate of violent demonstration that hit schools in Ashanti in 1992, an unpleasant situation that led to a special meeting of the Regional security Council, the school was an oasis of calm.
Agitations during the headship of the first two Ghanaians headmasters, Mr. T. A. Boateng and Mr. Y. K. Effah during 1994 were peacefully attended to. It has not always been the fault of the students of the school that violence at the stadium and other playing ground has broken out. In any case, sports violence has never been the exclusive preserve of the school. The school has made the strict maintenance of discipline a major pre-occupation. Roguish haircuts, improper dressing, violence against fellow students and other forms of unruly behaviour are anathema to the school administration. But students are not gagged. In addition to a student Representative Council presided over by the Senior durbars, and PTA’s; Student durbars during which the headmaster and staff are excluded so that the students can speak freely to the representatives of their parents, the PTA executives. There are also class meetings.
Academic Work And Sports
Academic work and sports also dominate the thinking of the Administration. In its almost fifty seven years of existence, the school has produced a large number of teachers, doctors lawyers, accountants, bankers, lecturers, engineers and ordinary individuals. While it is impossible to mention all of them, one cannot forget such people as Dr. M. B. Ibrahim, the current president of the Old Students Association and the western Regional Director of Health Services. Others include Dr. Sory, the Central Regional Director of health Services, Dr. Tinorga of the ministry of Health, Dr. G. K. Amofa Deputy Director, General Ministry of Health who, until his promotion, was the Ashanti Regional Director of Health Services.
With the current population of over three thousand students, T. I Ahmadiyya Senior High School, popularly known as Real Amass and Amass Phobia, has certainly made a useful mark on the educational scene in Ghana.
Course Offered
GENERAL ARTS: Geography, Government, Economics, Literature in English, Twi, Elective Mathematics, History, French, IRS/CRS, Music, Elective ICT.
AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE: General Agricultural, Physics, Chemistry, Elective Mathematics.
BUSINESS: Business Management, Financial Accounting, Costing, Elective Mathematics, Economics, Elective ICT
HOME ECONOMICS: General Knowledge in Arts, Biology or Chemistry, Management in Living, Food & Nutrition.
GENERAL SCIENCE: Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Elective Mathematics, Elective ICT.
VISUAL ARTS: General Knowledge in Arts, Picture Making, Graphic Design, Sculpture.
Category – Grade A School
Gender – Mixed
Housing Status – Day & Boarding
Year of Establishment – 1950
Name of Head – XXXXXXXXXX
School Code – 0050104
Contact Details
Name: T. I. Ahmadiyya Senior High, Kumasi
Region: Ashanti Region, Ghana
Location: 121 Yaa Asantewa Rd, Kumasi- Staduim
Ghana Post GPS:
Email: admin@realamass.edu.gh
Website: https://www.realamass.edu.gh/