Wisconsin International University College

Wisconsin International University College
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Wisconsin International University College, Accra

How to Apply

TAKE NOTE: Download the HOW TO APPLY ONLINE.PDF instructions.

To apply online,

  1.       PURCHASE an OSN (Online Serial number) using one of the following options: Mobile Money or Debit Card / Credit Card. – Check your email or spam folder for your OSN.
    (Reference HOW TO APPLY ONLINE.PDF PDF instruction guide)
  2.       Once you have the OSN, click here to apply.

International Students Support

International Students who have challenges paying for forms should complete the forms and attached with relevant documents. Fill out this form 

Flutterwave Payment Method

Flutterwave can only be used as Payment option for Forms

Are you having issues using other payment option? You can try paying with flutterwave.


Candidates must have six credits (A1-C6) in English, Mathematics and Integrated Science (Biology or Agricultural Science for Nigerian applicants) or Social Studies, and three elective subjects, making an aggregate of no more than 36. For SSSCE, candidates must have six credits (A-D) in the three Core Subjects and three electives, making an aggregate of no more than 24.

Mature Students

Candidates must be at least 25 years old and must write and pass an entrance examination in English, Mathematics, IT and General Business. They may also be required to attend an interview. 


Applicants with GCE, ICGSE, GBCE, ABCE, Baccalaureate, Professional Courses (ICA, ACCA, CIM etc) and HND, among others may contact us for levels of placement. 

For more information,

Call+233(0)302907057, +233(0)544853383

WhatsApp + 233 (0) 54 853 383

Contact Details
Name: Wisconsin International University College
Contacts: 0544853383, 0557316025, 0322392584
Region: Greater Accra / Ashanti Region, Ghana
Location: Accra/ Kumasi
Ghana Post GPS: GE-281-8212
Email: info@wiuc-ghana.edu.gh
Website: https://wiuc-ghana.edu.gh/



This information is very detailed and resourceful. Thanks alot

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